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Welcome to the 52nd BETH annual conference on the topic of sustainability in European theological libraries! We are delighted to welcome you to the BETH Conference 2024, nested against the breath-taking backdrop of Sarajevo – a city renowned for its rich history and stunning landscapes, providing an inspiring setting for discussions on sustainability.
We all recognise the growing importance of sustainable development across various areas and believe it is crucial to explore its implications within theological contexts and library settings. The United Nations has established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the UN 2030 Agenda, which represent a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that everyone, everywhere enjoys freedom, peace, and prosperity. As part of our commitment to fostering sustainable practices and contributing to the global effort towards achieving the SDGs, we believe in the importance of convening to discuss these issues and formulate concrete proposals to progress in the best direction.

For further information, please see the FAQ section (e.g. payment instructions) or feel free to reach out to us at the conference email address: conferences@beth.eu

Early Bird Offer for a €30 discount until 30th June 25: EARLY2024

Registration Fee Information

In-Person Experience
  • A. Member Full Registration (no accommodation) €200
  • B. Member Full Registration with 3 nights B&B in the Faculty of Catholic Theology (Single Room) €300
  • C. Member Full Registration with 3 nights B&B in Hotel Art (Single Room) €425
  • D. Member Full Registration with 3 nights B&B in Hotel Art (Double Room) €450*
  • E. Member One Day Registration (without dinner & accommodation) €100
  • F. Member Only Saturday Workshop (half day so no lunch) €50
  • G. Non-member Full Registration (Thu & Fri without accommodation) €300
  • H. Non-member Full Registration (Thu & Fri) with 3 night B&B in Hotel Art €600

Online Experience
  • I. Member Full Registration (exclude Saturday Workshop) €70
  • J. Non-member Full registration (excludes Saturday Workshop) €150
* One-person registration only, staying with an accompanying B&B guest in the hotel.
Friday September 20, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am CEST
What happens to a Catholic Seminary Library developed over many decades since the C19th when its parent seminary closes? Will the Library be dismantled and dispersed or sold, can a new use be found for it and will its intrinsic value for education, research and engagement be recognised and valued? This presentation is a case study of two UK Catholic Seminary libraries that survived the closure of their parent institutions into new and vibrant uses. Ushaw College in Durham, North East England was established as the first Post Reformation Catholic seminary in England in 1809 and closed in 2011. St John's Seminary in Wonersh, South East England was established in the late C19th, both had excellent libraries developed over many years. Both libraries had the good fortune to survive into a new and purposeful age and environment, one linked in partnership to a nearby University and Cathedral, the other packed up and shipped to a Catholic seminary linked to a University in Macau, China. Both libraries survive in new sustainable environments, one still in its historic home, the other thousands of miles away on the other side of the world. This presentation will ask the following questions:
1) What options exist for 'orphan libraries' once their parent institutions no longer exist?
2) How can sustainability and longevity be assured?
3) What critical success factors emerge from the two case study libraries?
4) Why should we make the effort to find new sustainable futures for libraries at risk?

Jon Purcell

Committee Member, ABTAPL
Friday September 20, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am CEST
Gazi Husrev-beg's Library

Attendees (6)

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